The additional hints I provide should be used in conjunction with the official hints to guide you to the answer. You might come to the wrong conclusion otherwise! Good luck with the hunt.
I apologise that this was not done for the hunt, I have been having personal issues and couldn’t get my butt into gear. All the answers have been added to the spoiler tags. I will endeavour to add the clues and maybe additional hints so it’s there until the end of June.
1. No beginning, end or middle, play three times to solve this riddle.
I’m surprised this quell can jump high enough!
Play 3 games of Donut Fall then return to the Donut Fall page
2. I fall but I float. No, I’m not a boat
Ugh just how many of these do I need?!
Buy a balloon from the balloon shop – may take more than one try!
3. Easter Egg Hunt of 2022, With Two, Four, Nine, Eleven Too
Play 2048 three times
4. This cute furry barn, Could save you some yarn
Use fasoro falls
5. Never to be seen, No matter the connection, Prizes you’ll receive, Based on your collection
Refresh at Invisible Fairy Page (random)
6. Wacky Workshop makes cola, And this also rhymes with Zola
Play Tombola (tried on Baspinar, not sure if others work). Refresh at page after if clue doesn’t show up
7. Show your skills as a hurler, Then head straight over to the parlour
Play pearl hurl 3x. Go to the photo parlour and take a photo
8. Earn some MP graciously, Just wait for a vacancy
Get a job through the freelance agency
9. Vintage sound of gold, Wow Marapets is getting old
Play gizmo gravity and send score x3 then return to gizmo gravity page
10. Equilor, Equilor, Equilor, Equilor, Equilor, Equilor
Play echo, send score then return to echo page
11. I have many needles but do not sew, All year round you can watch me glow
Use the Christmas tree
12. I can fill a room with grace, But I take up no space
View the light costume at pet colours. May take a few refreshes (random)
13. Land where the sun loves to shine, Once, twice, three times Coraline
Play Word Shark x3 and then return to Word Shark page
14. Stock up and don’t freak out, You’re prepared for any Blackout
Buy a battery from the batteries shop
15. Red, green, yellow and blue, Change direction too!
Play Colours, send score and then return to the Colours page
16. It’s a special occasion wear a suit, One is missing to pair at the boot
Complete a Shusan Quest. May have to do more than one
17. Fasoro or Willa? Just Rusila
Complete a game of Dukka Dash
18. Busy lunch time squabble, Say it quickly and hear Gobble!
Play Waffle Wobble, send score then return to Waffle Wobble page (only need to play one game)
19. SIR BYRL QUATRAIN, Serpent with a brain
Complete a Tarquin’s Library Mission level
20. Four, Five, Six Wings, It just can’t fly with these things!
Play the Windmill daily. May have to revisit Windmill page more than once to pop the next clue
21. It’s an odd thing to believe in, But take away a letter and I become even!
Play Seven Heaven
22. Look at Sunshine, It could be Destiny or Hope, Magnolia is clean and fine, But Otis really needs soap!
Complete a Travis Truck quest
23. Browse the map, You won’t find snap, Did you lay a trap? Give your pet a zap!
Play traps then use operations portal
24. Losing is sore, Draw is a bore, Play with no extra gore, Win and send score, Come back… what a chore!
Win a game of Phantom Four then return to the Phantom Four page
25. Visit with your mentor, Leave there feeling sore!
Complete a Personal Trainer Quest
26. Five letters long it’s approved, One is left when two are removed
View the stone costume at pet colours. May take a few refreshes (random)
27. Socks, scarves and mittens, Popular with playful kittens
Guess a number at Guess the Weight
Complete a sewer cleaner mission level
29. TBC
Complete a game of Traps and then visit the page after (may not need to re-play Traps, just re-visit the page)
30. TBC
View the sponge costume at pet colours. May take a few refreshes (random)
31. TBC
Buy an item from the Lipstick Shop (may need to buy more than one)
32. TBC
Collect bank interest
33. TBC
Buy an item from the Candle shop
34. TBC
Complete a Drew quest
35. TBC
Create an item through the Microwave. Recipes can be found here
36. TBC
Play the double MP game of the day
37. TBC
Buy any item from a shop where dukka coins are the currency (Restaurant, Smuggler, Pottery, Pirate Ship etc)
38. TBC
Buy an item from the Stamps shop (may need to buy more than one)
39. TBC
Play Word Pirate
40. TBC
Finish a History Lesson at the School
The end! Congratulations on completing the EEH 2022