Easter Egg Hunt 2020


The additional hints I provide should be used in conjunction with the official hints to guide you to the answer. You might come to the wrong conclusion otherwise! Good luck with the hunt.

1. Before you think yourself a quitter, remember all that’s gold does not glitter

Additional Hint

Where would I buy shiny wearables?



Refresh at the Jewellery Shop


2. If you want to see the sights, you’ll need to climb to great heights
Additional Hint

Can you time it right to climb higher and higher?



Play a game of skyscraper, once the score is submitted, revisit the main skyscraper page


3. Start at the head or at the feet, your pet enjoys this Easter treat
Additional Hint

Your pet should stuff its face to move on



Feed chocolate to a pet


4. Here’s something new to unravel, does your pet know where to travel?
Additional Hint

All these stats yet your pet still can’t locate this Miss?



Visit Miss Marada and refresh


5. I have an eye but cannot see, you’ll head inside when you see me
Additional Hint

Fluffy features, will the multiplier be nice?



Play Cloud 9


6. You begin with two, which can become four then eight, Then it’s sixteen and you have enough on your plate
Additional Hint

Too busy relaxing here to change colour for us!



Make a plate at the resort (ferris wheel also works)


7. Here’s a place that smells of damp, Recently forced to live in that lamp
Additional Hint

That naughty basil forced her out



Do a Shusan quest


8. Just hold your nose, Let’s see how it goes
Additional Hint

Digging in may reveal treasure in that trash



Use the trash heap


9. Back and forth they’re very busy, Hit them quick or you’ll be dizzy
Additional Hint

it’s quackers trying to click them all in time



Play a game of Quack Mafia, submit the score then go back to the main quack mafia page


10. Be wise, have a disguise and get supplies But for the ultimate prize, Look into those googley eyes
Additional Hint

This may seem a bit alien to you but a quick refresh of this should get you out of disguise



Refresh at the enpiah costume page


11. This clue is about nothing.
This clue is about nothing.
Additional Hint

it’s doubled up but why?



Play double or nothing


12. Getting tired? Please don’t sigh
Each step acquired is nearer the sky

Additional Hint

You might even get a sweet treat



Add a cube to the sugar stack


13. Squishy and soft like a bunny,
You can win for not much money

Additional Hint

Yet our pets insist on breaking them…



Win a plushie from the plushie machine


14. Need it or not,
I want what you’ve got

Additional Hint

Handy on a time limit



Buy a trade using the instant sale price option


15. Use your mind and don’t forget,
Where it was you first saw that welcoming pet

Additional Hint

If you get deleting, maybe you can purchase what you need



Buy an item from the memory shop


16. You start the day wanting a new haircut
Then you’re falling through a doughnut
Additional Hint

Need to look nice before you take a flight



Change your hair then play fairy flight (can be done in any order


17. Judge me not,
I can pick what you haven’t got
Additional Hint

you’ll be waiting a while



Fail a Drew quest


18. Take some time off from your study,
Go on an outing with your buddy

Additional Hint

It might even have a colour change



Use fasoro falls


19. Win a prize. Or not.
You’ll see far from this spot.
Additional Hint

You may spot Orion



Use the telescope


20. Kulaks

Additional Hint

Get unscrambling – do you have credit?



Buy credit at Dukka Treasure Slots


21. With a dozen to choose,
You have nothing to lose
Additional Hint

Something slimy may be under there



Go Worm Digging


22. Old and with hair like a star,
Just walk straight past Claudia’s bar
Additional Hint

Your doll might need some for their feet



Buy an item from the footwear shop


23. Even if you breathe in and clap,
You still won’t fit in through this gap
Additional Hint

Take a trap and try again



Grab a bug from the crevice


24. Watch them scurry, watch them run
In a hurry, let’s join their fun
Additional Hint

Try not to be overrun



Visit the ant hill


25. Many lines, yes it’s true
Don’t be wasteful with a clue
Additional Hint

Search them out as quickly as you can



Play the wordsearch then visit the main wordsearch page


26. This is not the time to get defensive,
You might find something inexpensive
Additional Hint

When the hammer falls, enjoy your spoils



Bid on an auction (likely enpiah alien)


27. The King and I love anything red,
Drop by here and earn some bread
Additional Hint

This bread of interest is a daily collect



Collect interest from the BP bank (you do not need BP in there to collect interest)


28. How about a change of pace,
Sneak in to visit a mysterious place
Additional Hint

Be wary, it can transform



Use the operations portal


29. This will turn your frown upside down
Additional Hint

The palladium hired lots of these



Refresh at the clown pets page


30. She’s sweet as sugar, but you must beware
When she’s angry you will despair
Additional Hint

She has a nasty sting in her tail



Get stung by Queen Bee


31. Is it better to give or better to get?
Try both and the challenge is met
Additional Hint

Piggy banks are good for this



Donate to giveaways and then take from giveaways


32. One plus three isn’t two,
Now you know what you must do
Additional Hint

Finishing this improves your pet



Complete a maths lesson at the school


33. Here’s a very simple hint,
Go ahead and change your tint

Additional Hint

Just a touch up is all they need but where can I get the accessories



Buy an eyebrow tint from the hair dye shop


34. Is it breakfast or yet another snack?
Just be happy with a stack
Additional Hint

4 more times should do the trick



Play all 4 games of waffle wobble then go back to the waffle wobble page


35. Don’t think they’re the least bit intimidating,
You can feed them through the grating
Additional Hint

we’re all a little mad here



Feed a knutt in the Knutt House


36. Oh my, what next?
A feathered pet!
Let’s be happy with what we get
Additional Hint

Give him good whack, he might spare one



Complete a Talon quest


37. It’s HARD making such a-maze-ing clues after 15 years
Additional Hint

Find your way through twists and turns



Complete the Maze on hard mode


38. One, two, three.
That’s all, you’ll see
Additional Hint

Make a wish



Use the Genie


39. Tell me just how long it took,
For you to get that unsightly look!
Additional Hint

You can pick who you think best



Vote for someone in the ugly contest


40. Thirty nine clues, you’re nearly late
Was it because of number eight?
Additional Hint

Roll these and pray you get the right number



Roll an 8 at pixie dice


The end! Congratulations on completing the EEH 2020

Image of a firework exploding